Today I was discussing with a client how important REAL FRIENDS are in times of hardship and crisis. She has one such friend in her life, and we sadly agreed that many people don’t even have one friend with whom they can be truly open. Let’s face it – alone is Hell. God said in the very beginning, after making the first man, Adam, “It’s not good for man to be alone.” In the great wisdom book of Ecclesiastes, the author tells us to “pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.” We need friends. We need people we can trust to accept us and love us when we take off our masks and come out from behind our walls and get Real. We need friends.
I talk to so many hurting people who feel so alone. Sometimes their actual problems aren’t as bad as the pain of facing those problems alone. Alone is Hell. We need friends. It is truly astonishing the amount of hope that stirs in a human spirit, simply by having someone enter into one’s most vulnerable space and state clearly (with or without words), “I’m here with you.” What a gift to be wandering blindly through a terrible storm of life, and to realize a trusted friend has quietly joined you with an umbrella and a light and no words of condemnation! Or the profound comfort in awaking in a hospital bed to realize the calm presence of the person beside you is not your doctor, but your friend. Or the friend who loves you enough to sit quietly beside you because no words can heal your hurt, when all others have abandoned you because no words can heal your hurt. And don’t forget the simple, yet fulfilling joy of talking and laughing and sharing things with a true friend in ways that would lead others to think you strange, while your friend truly enjoys these moments as uniquely you.
Take a minute to consider if you have been blessed to have one or more REAL FRIENDS. If so, please let them know how much they mean to you. You may assume they understand without it having to be said. Say it anyway. Can you imagine your life without that friend? I would like to take a few moments to say thanks to my REAL FRIENDS. As I pause and reflect, I realize God has given me more than most… (more…)