Nine Minutes

Published by Roger Butner on


Nine Minutes.  I just set a timer giving me nine minutes to write this blog post.

Nine Minutes.

As of today, this is how long it takes me to run a mile.  You may think that a “good” or a “bad” time.  Think what you will about me – it doesn’t matter to me nearly as much as it once did.  And for that, I am grateful.

But I digress, and I only set nine minutes for myself to write this message to share with you.  I have long been told that the best time to run/exercise, and the best time for devotions with God, is early in the morning.  And I have long fought this bit of advice, stating that I’m just not a morning person.  Well, I recently realized that I don’t have to set my alarm “early” for me to get in a one mile run first thing in the morning.  You know why?

Because it takes me nine minutes to run a mile.  And that’s the same amount of time my alarm clock gives me for one snooze cycle.  So, the choice is mine every morning.  How will I invest the first nine minutes of my day?  Surrendering my body, mind, and spirit to my loving Creator?  Or staying in a self-centered cocoon?

These may not be the most important nine minutes in human history, but they are the ones I am given to invest or squander at the beginning of each new day.  I’ll keep you posted on this daily mile challenge.  Sure, it doesn’t sound like a lot.  And the wonderful truth is – it isn’t a lot.  So, I can manage to do at least that much every day.  And starting my day in motion with God serves me and all those around me far better than getting nine more minutes of semi-sleep.

Well, looks like my nine minutes are up.  Time to move on to the next…

p.s. – I actually wrote this post several days ago, but just got to posting it today.  Since deciding to run at least a daily mile, I have done just that for eleven straight days.  Feeling great!


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