Coffee-Stained Serenity Prayer
As I shared in my last post, I have been praying and meditating on the original “long form” of the Serenity Prayer for a few days now. Today I had an experience with this prayer that I just had to share. I actually printed it out and brought it to share with some friends of mine, as it has been making such a meaningful impression on me. One of my good buddies spilled his coffee on the table, resulting in stains here and there on the paper on which the prayer had been printed. I must admit, I had a momentary reaction of wanting to call him some version of a big, clumsy oaf (the immediate impulse of my flesh), but I laughed to my self as I considered the words and message of the prayer. It was such a great learning moment for me that I decided to tape the coffee-stained Serenity Prayer on my desk, to help me remember to actually PRACTICE the principles contained within it. Go down and read the words of this prayer in the post below, and perhaps you will see why it struck me as a humorous situation and a great opportunity to put the prayer into action.
Blessings to you on your journey!
p.s. – I’ll follow up with a picture when I have the opportunity.
Trey Morgan · February 20, 2010 at 9:12 am
Always enjoy your blog. Hope you have a great birthday today.
Roger Butner · February 20, 2010 at 4:41 pm
Thanks much, Trey! That was very thoughtful of you to find me here to wish me Happy Birthday. : ] Great day so far, and I’ve got a hot date lined up for tonight with a sweet gal I been knowin’ for a while now.
Sue Miley · February 23, 2010 at 5:38 pm
I love this Roger. God has funny ways of testing our heart! These situations pop up in my life all of the time.
Happy belated birthday!