
Published by Roger Butner on

I took half an hour at lunchtime today to eat some simple fare and to feed on God’s Word.  I need to have more days like this.

I was reading through a few verses that address me as a husband in various ways.  I have read through these verses quite a few times.  I’ve spent plenty of time in the very “practical” book of James.  I have read James 1:19-20 no telling how many times before.  But I didn’t really HEAR it until today.

Oh, how I wish I could go back a few months and live by this guide every day!  Why didn’t I HEAR it then?!?  Maybe because I needed to go through the last few months of not living by it to appreciate how important it is.  I don’t know.  Anyway, if you find yourself struggling in any relationship in your life – marriage, parenting, friends, co-workers, whatever – I recommend memorizing, meditating on, and practicing these two simple verses:

“My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.”  James 1:19-20

And with that, I will shut up and get back to my quiet business of finishing the paperwork and such that needs my attention this afternoon.


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