I believe

Published by Roger Butner on

As a parent, I have a question that I will be keeping in mind this summer…

Does my son know I believe in him?

Care to join me in this quest this summer?  Let’s invest in our kids in such a way that by the time they head back for school in the fall, there will be no doubt in their developing minds that they have at least one parent who truly believes in them.  Here are five suggestions that you can use with kids from toddler to teenager…

  1. Pay attention.  Take time to notice your child’s strengths, passions, and victories.
  2. Say it.  Don’t just assume they know you believe in them.  They need to hear it from you!
  3. Be specific.  General comments about how much you love or are proud of your child are great.  But they desperately need to hear clear feedback from you on what you see of value in their lives.
  4. Be positive.  Don’t let your frustrations regarding other areas of their lives keep you from seeing the good stuff.  It’s there, if you are willing to look for it.
  5. Cast a vision.  It isn’t your job to tell your child who she or he is.  But by sharing with your child that you can envision her or him making a difference and living with purpose and passion, you breathe real life into a developing mind and spirit.


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