The Power of Sweating with Our Kids
Here are three key ways (there are certainly plenty more) to sweat with your kids to produce big results in your relationship and in their developing character. If you live anywhere near my neck of the woods (South Louisiana), and you spend any time at all with your kids, you will be sweating with them. But might as well do it with purpose. PARENT LIKE YOU MEAN IT! Right?
1. Get out there and join them in their fun!
Play in the yard. Climb that treehouse (build it first, if necessary). Ride that bike. Throw that ball. Try the disc golf park. Practice that sport. Play chase. Sit and talk out in that special spot. Play that weird, evolving game your kid is trying to teach you that seems to make no sense whatsoever. Etc. Joining our kids in their choice of fun outdoor activities helps to keep parents young at heart, and shows our kids that we are eager to be a part of their world and don’t insist on them always joining our world to spend time with us.
2. Invite your kids to assist you in your work or special projects.
Not all kids will jump at this chance, I know. But many children (especially if you start when they are young!) are thrilled with the opportunity to be Mom’s or Dad’s right hand helper on a manual project. It gives them such a sense of value and self-respect, as well as helping them learn valuable life skills, when we include them in that cleaning, building, planting, arranging, etc. project.
3. Serve someone together.
Find someone in your neighborhood, church, or school community who could really use some help with a special project or maintenance challenge that is beyond their capability. Bring your kids and serve them as a family. Your kids will learn the powerful spiritual and community value of blessing others (maybe you’ll learn it with them!). Your relationship will be cemented in a fresh way by sharing the common bond of sweat equity together.
And don’t forget to have fun cooling off together when sweat time is over!