Fury, Disgust, and Hope

Published by Roger Butner on


I got this book in the mail today.  I just finished reading it.  It was one hundred and two pages of the most gut wrenching glimpses of humanity I have ever taken in.

And yet, it gave me hope.  Someone is making a difference.  A lot of someones are making a difference.  Real, soul-freeing differences in the lives of once helpless, victimized, brutalized women and children.  WAY TOO MANY CHILDREN!!!

Please, for the love of life and humanity and freedom and innocence and countless thousands upon thousands of children – ORDER YOUR FREE COPY OF “FROM CONGRESS TO THE BROTHEL” RIGHT NOW!!!

Men, I am issuing you a double challenge to order and read the book, and to take the pledge of The Defenders USA and to uphold that pledge with all your might.  The harsh reality is that there are demons walking this earth, disguised as men like you and me.  Their cold, calloused souls are in desperate need of deliverance and redemption, but first they must be opposed by strong men of faith.  Not men like you and me.  No, they must be opposed by YOU AND ME, men. The men of God across this planet must rise up and man up and stand and fight against this onslaught of unspeakable wickedness.

Think I’m over the top?  Fine.  So long as you order the free book and read it.  Then get back to me and tell me what a nutjob I am.  I am FURIOUS.  I am DISGUSTED.  I am HOPEFUL.  And I have reason for all three.  I’M IN THE WAR!  Will you join the fight?  Would you be in the fight if your children were in the stories on these pages?

Not sure you’re ready to order the book?  Okay – read my post entitled “Hell” from a few nights ago and let it sink in.  Then come back to this one and click the link to order your book.


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