
Check back soon for new additions! 

Amusing Ourselves to Death” by Neil Postman

This modern classic pulls no punches in its wake-up call to our culture of mindless media saturation.  It’s not exactly a light read, but well worth the effort.  Be ready to be convicted.

Stay Tuned: What Every Parent Should Know About Media” by Philip D. Patterson

This Christian author and expert on media ethics provides a very helpful look at electronic media from several different angles, all through a Biblical lens.

Dr. Dave’s Cyberhood: Making Media Choices That Create a Healthy Electronic Environment for Your Kids” by Dr. David Walsh (of

Very helpful guide for parents desiring to make their home a healthy one, where media and electronic entertainment is concerned.  Takes an interactional, holistic approach to the family-media relationship.  The only downside is the book is a bit dated (2001), given how fast technology is changing in our postmodern culture.  Still, a highly recommended read.

What Can We Watch Tonight? A Family Guide to Movies” by Ted Baehr

This is a great tool for every parent’s media toolbox!  It offers brief, yet thorough reviews of hundreds of movies released from 1990 to 2002. 

several great books written by Michael Medved (

This Jewish film/media critic has earned a large, loyal following through his poignant insights and straight talk.  His tough criticism of the entertainment industry is challenging and obviously well researched and intelligently considered.  Medved has a sharp mind, a good heart, and a mighty pen.

Tune In Before You Turn It Off” by Roger D. Butner

OK, it’s not a book, it’s a handout I used to guide a discussion with a group of youth ministers about engaging their kids through the kids’ media choices.  I hope it’s a helpful resource for you.


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