Understanding Youth Culture

Published by Roger Butner on


As an expert in working with adolescents, people often look to me as an expert in understanding youth culture today.  I do what I can to stay “up” on the key dynamics that are happening throughout “youth culture” in our country and our region.  Sometimes this is fun and entertaining.  At other times it is disheartening and soul-crushing.  It is always interesting.  I guess it is always interesting to me because people are interesting to me.  And young people, adolescents in particular, are really interesting to me.

Which brings me to the point of my post.

If you have a heart and a passion for blessing teens, keeping up with “youth culture” can be a helpful pursuit.  But it isn’t necessary.  You read that correctly.  IT ISN’T NECESSARY TO KNOW ALL THE CURRENT TEEN TRENDS TO EFFECTIVELY TOUCH, INSPIRE, AND LEAD ADOLESCENTS.  So, what is necessary?

1. Compassionate Listening.

2. Loving Acceptance.

3. Non-Reactivity.

4. Confident Integrity.

5. Persistence.  Persistence.  Persistence.

I have seen volunteer youth workers who know nothing about texting, MySpace, Facebook, Halo 3, YouTube, or any popular music since 1973 make tremendous differences in the lives of teens.  I have seen teens flock to them with respect and adoration, despite their woefully inadequate knowledge of Youth Culture Today.  Why?  Because they were authentic.  Because they were open and honest.  Because they really stood for something.  And because they were passionately, persistently committed to loving these kids for who they were, where they were.

Want to gain an understanding of youth culture that will really make a difference?  Start with the adolescent right there in your living room or church lobby or neighborhood.  Ask genuine questions.  Really listen to her answers.  Show her you are really curious about HER, not “kids today.”  Tell him your stories.  Show him you aren’t going to freak out when he does freaky things.  Let him experience your radical love for HIM, not for the latest trends and stats among his so-called peers.

And may God bless you with HDTV!  (click tab above for more on HDTV)



Ellen · August 21, 2009 at 2:58 am

I totally agree. I’m not much “up” on all the youth things, but I do love these kids here, and somehow they still come to me. I haven’t even had any kids of my own, but I’m sure connected with a lot all over the world. Now if I could just learn to identify with those of my own age. hahaha! Love you and proud of you dear!

Roger Butner · August 21, 2009 at 8:13 am

Well, I know you sure made an impact on my life during my senior year at CAC! I knew without question that you believed in me, loved me, and expected much of me. And that really mattered to me. I will never forget how much it stung (in a very healthy, maturing kind of way) when we showed up at school with our unapproved senior guys’ t-shirts, and you voiced your disappointment in us. You really called me out and up to a better place than that. Because you had so earned my respect with your attitude toward me and my classmates along the way, keeping your respect meant a great deal to me. It still does.

Thanks so much for all the lessons learned, Ellen! I have no doubt there are many young and not-quite-so-young-anymore people all over the planet whose lives are richer for your investment in us.

Melody · August 21, 2009 at 9:34 am

Hey, talking about youth culture- Dr. Phil will have a show on today at 3PM about teen issues. You may want to tape it. I plan on watching it. I don’t watch those type of shows much anymore because they are usually all about the drama but Dr. Phil does pretty well with getting the heart of the matter when it comes to parenting.
Thank God it is Friday. It was a busy week for me but it went fast.
Thank you for your help yesterday. Enjoy the good weather we will be having starting tomorrow.

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